Photos Page

Meaningless self glorification through juxtaposing one's self with famous folks in real time and capturing image with ace analog camera.

 J Mascis and me

I promised J he was the only guy who I wanted my picture taken with.  But then at the party on Sunday, drinks were spilt and promises were broken.  Sorry J.


Me and Steve Albini


Me and Jack Endino


Me and Mitch Easter


So, without any doubt, it's safe to conclude, that I'm taller than all famous people.


Coming soon!!!

Me and Karen Ohm from the yeah yeah yeahs

Me and the drummer from Down By Law

Me, a few thousand heads and Nick Olivieri from Queens of the Stone Age (see NME Glasters special pull out poster.)

 and other stupid pictures of me and famous people.

ALSO, Mark with the JFK school choir, 

and recording drums with Niall Quinn!!!

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