(The oscar award winning bit from the incomplete)
Jack Endino interview
(and also the bit that lends credence to Albini's 'balls of iron' remark)
Steve Albini
– Jack
– Steve, sir.
- Nice to see you again.
Next time you’re in Chicago give me a tinkle.
Jack - I certainly will. I'll check out your place.
so I'm there with my camcorder running as I've been interviewing Jack for the
last few minutes. We're all buddies now. I've had a few Pabst blue
ribbons (i.e. beers). I'm standing looking at the recorders of Nirvana's
first and last albums. So with my balls of iron in hand, I ask the
question that any Nirvana fan would ask with the same 2 guys in front of them.)
– Hey, do you mind if I manipulate you both on camera for a second.
What was Kurt like?
– Yeah we were joking about this before... (i.e.
Jack was saying how his website has a full Nirvana FAQ section, so that he
doesn't have to keep replying to all the 9 million or so Nirvana fans emails)
– He was a nice guy.
-Yeah, he was a nice guy.
Jack - A sweetheart.
– If you’ve known any guys that have been in bands, he was just like one of
– He was only human…
– Exactly.
– OK, take it easy Jack.
– See ya Steve.
Steve. Then
Jack breaks out laughing.
– I can’t believe you did that…
– What? Well
you know. It’s
what everyone wants to know…
– Naw that’s OK, but I just can’t believe you did that.
– Well it’s like, you got to meet him, we didn’t…
(lots of waffling about Nirvana etc.)
Jack – You’ve got a picture of me and Albini in there. That’s gonna be worth money. That’s the first time that we’ve ever been in the same room with a camera. You gotta send me a frame grab of that!
(so that's it. Will transcribe the full Endino interview when I get the chance. Just want to say that this moment was one of the coolest for me during the whole weekend. No doubt Jack and Steve are sick to the teeth from answering Nirvana questions, just like Mitch Easter and REM or Tony Visconti and David Bowie. Well maybe not sick to the teeth. But they'd rather chat about recordo geekorama or something. But (to waffle about Nirvana for a minute) I just think their answers are precious honesty to the majority of people's concept of what Nirvana were. Some massive exploding bigger than jesus amazing force of nature as represented by all the hype that surrounded them. In reality they were a band. A great band. I can't really say I know what the fuck I'm talking about, never having seen them live.
and Steve got to work with them.
They met Krist, Dave and Kurt. The lads. Kurt's dead. But
still alive in those records. And that's what makes recording worthwhile.
p.s. I have one of those April 8th tickets, the gig they were supposed to play in Ireland, but for obvious reasons, never got round to. Jack said it'd be worth money if I put it on E-bay. So to that end, if you are a complete freak of nature Nirvana fan, and are prepared to outbid everyone else to have this piece of paper, and it will bring you happiness, then I'm happy to take your money. Feel free to email me. At least you can be assured that your money will be helping more rock and roll come into the world. Bidding starts at $10,000!